22 Apr 2016

How Can You Leave Me Standing? Alone In A World That's So Cold?


19 Apr 2016

5 Very British Habits That The Rest Of The World Will Never Understand

Over the past month or two I have really started to notice how bad my road rage is getting. Not in the sense of getting out and headbutting the driver overtaking me in a 30 zone...although I am sure that probably would bring immediate satisfaction!

15 Apr 2016

Cleaning Out My Closet - Mind Edition

Sometimes when my alarm blows up at 6.45 AM I think to myself "If I don't wake up right now, Will it actually matter?" 


April Showers

Hey there! I'm Tegan. I am 23 years old and this is my little virtual space. I really enjoy reading and writing, finding interesting people, places and things and most of all sharing my thoughts to benefit others. 

I suffer with chronic pelvic pain from Endometriosis, this has unfortunately affected other parts of body too and I now suffer from severe muscle spasms, Adenomyosis and anxiety attacks. The list goes on ... however I'm not here to bore you! This diagnosis did shake my life up a tad, hundreds of thousands of women suffer from this incurable disease and it needs to be talked about. This is not the theme of my blog, but I do wish to share my experiences and progress from time to time. When all of this was starting for me all I wanted was something like this to explain what was happening and provide a small comfort. From time to time I will post about my experience and current treatments, so that those of you who find it helpful can dive in and have a leisurely read.

Over the past 2 years I have started to really appreciate make-up and lifestyle and have found it a great release of expression and feeling.  I often found myself searching for specific posts and reviews, whether on a beauty product, snack bar or even to find out about treatments or experience and realised that I could provide that for other people. This is my space to share with you the products I love and why, tiny extracts of my life and snippets of current affairs.  On here I provide weekly posts, monthly favourites and will soon be launching my YouTube Channel. Please feel free to leave comments and let me know if you have a blog. I, like many others, am just starting out and would love to hear from you and make new friends, you can comment on here or why not drop me line by emailing literallytalktotegan@gmail.com or tweet me @talktotegan
Thanks for reading and I really hope you enjoy this space. Live life to the fullest and don't hold back! 

Love, Tegan xx  

© TalktoTegan

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