5 Sept 2016

Cutting My Hair Off And The Little Princess Trust

For those of you who have known me a while will know that I have often been known as 'The girl with the ridic long hair' well not anymore chaps because I went for the chop...

My hair is very thick and consequently quite heavy and I got to the point where I was only ever rocking the same two hairstyles. Geisha bun - Drowned rat - Geisha bun... Drowned rat...I think you get my drift. 

Also thanks to hot flushes of hell due to my premature menopause (What the heebyjeeby!? I hear you cry,  Check out this post I wrote on the matter) I just had to get rid of a substantial amount of my barnet.

I had been thinking about going for it for months and after many "Oh but your hair is so long and lovely, I would kill for hair like yours, you are so lucky to have so much hair"... I had to go for it. 

I decided as my hair is so long and thick that I would get the majority chopped off in a plait, seal it and send it off to the Little Princess Trust where it can hopefully be turned into a wig for someone who really needs it. My hair grows super quickly so I am hoping I can do this once every two years. 

If you are thinking of going for the chop, visit their website to see if your hair would be suitable. The Little Princess Trust provides real hair wigs to boys and girls who have sadly lost their own hair going through cancer treatment. Do check on the site for the requirements as they state the required length and ask that all donated hair is of a natural colour (It's okay if your hair is dyed, they would just prefer it not to be bright blue!).

The way I see it is; Hair grows back and if you are lucky enough to have a nice head of healthy hair, why not?!

Here is my before and after! EEK.



  1. What a lovely cause and gosh, so brave! I get comments like you explained, all the time.. But I'm not cutting my hair JUST yet ;)

    1. Thank You lovely! It definitely took me a while to make the decision but I'm glad now as its a bit easier for me to handle!! But I was soooo
      Nervous that I might hate it!! Eek!!
      :) :)

  2. What a great thing to do. My niece is currently growing her hair to do the same thing. She's only 8, but it's something she really wants to do bless her :) I loved your hair over the weekend and I have to say, seeing your before and after pictures I actually think you really suit short hair. Plus it makes you look older.

    Love Hannah xx


    1. Thanks so much honey!! I thought about it for
      Ages and just went sod it I'm doing it!!! That's lovely of your little niece.
      I see it as, if you're going to get
      Your hair cut anyway you may aswell donate it rather than it et swept up on strands at
      The salon. I'm lucky and have thick hair
      That grows real quick so it's definitely something I will do again! :):):)

  3. Tegan! I can't even imagine you with long hair at all! Short hair suits you soooo much! And it must be so healthy after the chop :) go you!!

    Eb x



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