16 Apr 2016

5 Tips To Turn Your Day From Average To Awesome!! - Mind Edition

The part of my day I most look forward to is when I can switch off the worries...'Yeah, right!' I hear you cry sir?! Read through blogs and catch the latest YouTube videos. Some are, yes, pointless snippets of information about other peoples lives, whom I have never met. However I now feel like I have hundreds of Internet friends, most of which don't even know I exist! But I love that. Don't get me wrong it's not for everyone and most of you are probably thinking 'lonely?'.  But I assure you, that is the furthest from what I am. Other people's lives interest me and more than often provide me with the drive and inspiration to try new things myself. However there are a few really simple dare i say easy? steps that i have started incorporating into my life that will no doubt improve your quality of life. Today I woke up feeling a little sad, tired and run down and these things I find really make a difference to my mood. So today I am sharing with you my top 5 tips to turn your day from average to awesome! 

SUNLIGHT & FRESH AIR:  whats that? i hear you Brits screaming?! Go outside and get some fresh air! For those who either work from home or in a closed office space with little access to daylight, this is really important for you! In the colder winter months we often find ourselves waking in the dark and going home in it too. Just 30 Minutes exposure to sunlight can offer you a days supply of vitamin D through skin absorption. Absorbing the right amount of vitamin D helps your bones form correctly and reduces the chances of developing diseases such as osteoporosis. Try skipping that bus or take your lunch outside tomorrow? Inhaling fresh air helps clear our lungs and enables us to take deeper longer breaths. Now here in England our sunlight exposure is limited, so i have started setting my alarm 30 minutes earlier and turning on my SAD light  and i kid you not, it makes me feel fresh and awake when its time to get up! 

DRINK WATER: Staying hydrated is so important! For your energy levels, your skin and your hair! We all get carried away at work and the next thing we know its been 5 hours since we had drink! Set yourself a goal at the start of the day. Take a larger carry size water bottle to work with you, carry it around the house or whilst your running errands and make sure you drink the whole thing by home time. When you've started finishing that with ease, see if you can fill twice! I bought this water bottle from amazon, It's larger than average but is perfect when you're trying to stay hydrated. On average we as humans should be consuming 2.5 litres for men and 2 litres for women. i wasn't drinking anywhere NEAR that. Time for a change guys!

CHALLENGE YOURSELF: Trying something new is hard but that feeling of doing something that scares you is exhilarating from the finish line.  Try putting a clip up of you singing or taking a run around the park alone, do something that challenges you and that once you have done it you will feel achievement from. My something new is.. well.. this! I was petrified to start writing a blog but now I've published my first few posts, I feel accomplished. It doesn't and probably wont be a huge success the first time, don't let that put you off. The fact you managed to try something new is enough.

EXERCISE: No this doesn't mean you need a 12 month binding gym membership! Try and incorporate some light exercise into your day. I love swimming, its the only exercise where I find I feel weightless, free and refreshed. Exercise releases chemicals called endorphins which triggers a positive feeling in the body resulting in a happier you! For those of you who suffer with aches and pains i know its difficult, from someone who has pain everyday, I used to say that i was in too much pain to actually DO any exercise but once i really pushed myself to get there I started to see improvement to the amount of pain i felt. The endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain and reduce your perception of pain. Like a natural morphine. I know it sounds mental but please, try it!

RELAX: I would say this is best done before bed, though sometimes my most relaxing moments are those least expected. just try and fit in some YOU time! Run a bath, write your diary insert or paint your nails etc. Take some time to reflect on what you did today and give your mind some time to prepare for tomorrow. At least an hour before bed try and switch off, your mind AND your screen. Electronics are genius but they are often the sleep thief!

Don't expect to be able to jump straight into all five things straight away (I must listen to own advice!) start tomorrow and do as much as you are able, you will eventually find yourself reaping the benefits of these 5 simple steps!

Love, Tegan xx

© TalktoTegan

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