I have to be honest by saying
that I really haven’t been taking very good care of myself recently. I've
started feeling a bit groggy and when the sun made an appearance, I wacked my shorts
on and they were feeling rather snug! Now
I’m feeling the effects, so I decided to switch my diet up a bit and get
active. I love the open air, I grew up in Norwich and being close to the sea
was definitely taken for granted at the time, so I’ve made a positive change
and set aside space in the diary for ‘Outside
time’. Getting out in the open is SO
important and it always makes me feel more energised and more productive. There
is a lake that is covered in green, seating areas and outside gym equipment
just a few minutes away from my house. It’s a perfect place to get in some exercise,
appreciate the beautiful scenery and get some proper fresh air. I’ve started going for a gentle run around the
lake with a friend, it distracts me because we are probably nattering and without
even realising it, you motivate one another! So I would definitely say having a
buddy if possible is a great idea. We’ve all been there when we are all set to
go for a run outside, we get all dressed up in our favourite leggings, get two
minutes down the road and feel like we can’t breathe, get disheartened and give
up. I managed to run the whole way around the lake and was flabbergasted that I
didn’t pass out! The key to this was no
pressure, if we slowed down it didn’t matter as long as we KEPT MOVING! I felt
automatically better and it made me enjoy my dinner more and crave less sweet
stuff. I’m making a change in my life to stop holding on to silly worries. I
have a quote on my bedroom wall that reads ‘Don’t
ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday. Let it go’. I’m going
to start practicing what I preach and you should too.